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Love Is In The Stars is Carols Allen's main site packed with over a 100 hours of videos, over 30 products on Love, Compatibility & Astorology & tons of content full of invigorating advice, stories of love and heartbreak

Vedic Astrology does not measure when the signs begin and end in this way. It utilizes the Sidereal or Stellar Zodiac, which looks to the fixed stars of the constellations to determine this. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contetur adipiscing elit. Continue Reading

Carol Allen teaches Astrological Compatibility. This compatibility technique has helped thousands of women make the most of what their stars have in store. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elit contetur amet tempor dolor nibh adipiscing felis. Continue Reading
“Carol Allen isn’t just an inspirational woman with light and wisdom to share, she’s one of the rare real sources of change and transformation. Any woman who’s smart enough to take the truths and insights she has to heart will grow to find more love in her life, whether she tries to ‘work’ at it or not.”
“Carol offers such hope and inspiration for any woman that’s been waiting for her romantic destiny to kick in, as well as all the best tools and tips to keep it alive and thriving once it does. I highly recommend it.”

Christian Carter, best-selling author "Catch Him & Keep Him"

Arielle Ford, best-selling author of "The Soulmate Secret"
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