To have a great life (and love life), you’ve gotta know the

best “real-world” skills for connecting with men…

And to be the best version of yourself that you can

so you actually enjoy the process, and get what you want.

But skills, though crucial, aren’t enough.

You see, all the best flirting techniques, and dating and

relating insights aren’t all you need to get to your goal.

Nope, there’s something bigger going on. Something “out of this world” bigger…

See a short video about why I love leading these powerful women’s circles so much…

Dear Friend,

If you’re in a relationship that’s not satisfying you any longer, or if you’re single and don’t want to be, it can make a MASSIVE difference to get some of the most “cutting-edge” spiritual and real-world tools to help you believe in love again (and that it’s possible FOR YOU!) and the support of other awesome women who want that for themselves, too.

But – if you’re familiar with my work, then you know there’s a WHOLE other side to it… the side revealed in the stars, of course!

It’s as though we each come into this life with a map of who we are, and where we are supposed to go… as well as a “train schedule” of when specific things are supposed to happen.

You’d never go on an important journey without a map, or jump on any old train without knowing where you were headed or when you’d arrive, and yet we do this with our lives.

To REALLY help you have your dreams of love come true, you NEED to know what your map and schedule reveals, so you can know just where to go and what to do – and when!

Believe it or not, in all of our lives there’s a destiny unfolding that’s “bigger” than you and your will or best efforts. And it’s literally “written in the stars…”

When coupled with the best STRATEGIES for dating and mating, it’s like your love life will be super-charged on steroids.

For years I was building my online business, writing books and creating my workshops and programs, and so stopped doing the astrological side of my work. But women who came to my workshops asked me ALL THE TIME to help them astrologically, too, because they found it wasn’t enough to learn all my favorite “man-tastic” tips and wisdom (though, after 30 years of doing this work and studying this stuff obsessively, I do share a plethora of amazing things that are life-changing in and of themselves).

So I started offering readings again for anyone who would take my workshop, or coach with me privately, and it’s made a massive improvement for the women who take advantage of this rare opportunity.

For the last few years, I’ve hosted awesome workshops full of women who came to the workshop to learn the best love-inducing relationship skills possible in an intimate group of amazing women.

And then they each had a private astrology reading with me to determine their personal “love map.”

And it was AWESOME… and so satisfying all around.

(And so much fun to introduce these special women to Vedic astrology… here’s what one of them said):

“OMG just had my reading with Carol and it was AMAZING. She was able to ‘see’ things about me that rang so darn true and made me feel so incredibly hopeful for my future! Vedic astrology is amazing!” L.S., Chicago, Ill. 

(That’s why I’ve been hooked on it for a whopping thirty years now! ;))

Here’s what a past graduate wrote to me about her experience. She’d been heartbroken by a relationship four years prior that was still haunting her, and hadn’t dated pretty much at all since. So, it was especially fabulous to hear this:

“Carol – I can only tell you this but my dating life has gone from 0 to 60 in 2 months! I hate to sound like I’m bragging but good grief! I probably have met 12 or so guys in 2 months, 5 of which are still sort of floating around. Not sure any of them are the actual Mr. Right, but so fun to be out and about again. I feel very open about it, relaxed and not stressed, and feeling like it’s an adventure.
Hope you’re well! And I give you full credit, plus my fantastic Vedic astrology reading!!!”

That makes me so happy. And – I don’t want to JUST give readings. I want to give readings to women who will then ALSO have the right romantic strategy to take the right actions to ENSURE their romantic destiny can come true!

So, what about you? Would you like to join me and an intimate gathering of special women who also want to improve their “man-tastic” relationship skills, AND discover the unique CELESTIAL MAP and STELLAR timing to your happy romantic future (while actually having fun)? If so, I applaud you… It means you’re REALLY ready to change your life, and create what you want. That’s BIG.

I really feel – and have witnessed again and again – that attending one of these special live events can help greatly.

Hosting these workshops is my greatest professional pleasure, and has the biggest impact on women of anything else I’ve done – more than my private readings, e-book, reports, or other programs. Why?

  • we work together directly…
  • it’s immersion learning
  • it’s an entire workshop created for you and the other women based on what you tell me you need
  • you get all of your most important questions answered and addressed
  • it’s very interactive – it’s not me lecturing at you
  • it’s all of us together sharing our best nuggets of wisdom and experience
  • it’s women coming together to create a space and connection that’s so much bigger and more powerful than what any of us can do by ourselves, or one-on-one

Friendships are made, realizations of a lifetime of patterns are experienced, tools and techniques you should have been taught as a child are discovered, blocks that have stopped you from dating (or getting out of the wrong relationship for years) fall away, a newfound confidence and clarity comes forward…

Here’s the scoop


Saturday and Sunday, October 19thth and 20th, 2024 - New York City

If you’re interested but these dates don’t work for you, please let me know anyway.

Cost: $999 for the workshop, private reading, books and bonuses. You can pay by Visa, MC, American Express, check, or money order. There are options for a three-part payment over three months or a five-part payment plan over five months if you prefer.

What the workshop includes:

>> A subliminal recording on love to help change your brain to be receptive to healthy love and thereby attract it

>> A 90-minute astrology consultation by phone with me (and MP3 recording for you to keep forever), to analyze your love life and best romantic timing, and look at anyone you’re wondering about. (This is the only way to get an astrology reading with me, unless you apply for my private coaching packages. I haven’t taken on private one-off astrology clients in years and don’t know that I ever will again.)

>> I’m inviting a special rock star guest speaker

>> My books if you haven’t read them (Love Is In The Stars and Becoming The Woman Your Dream Man Wants).

>> A follow-up group coaching call a month after the workshop, to be sure everyone is staying on track

>> Yummy food all weekend.

>> And – oh yeah – lots of great love-changing information and support from all the other women and yours truly.

Bonus Material 

Access to “Single Syndrome” videos or recordings, along with the 50-page workbook (Which includes my best “ insights for singles, including a shamanic ritual to release men from your past, ancient Sanskrit mantras to help lure love to you, an explanation of the Astrological Archetypes of Single women and a step-by-step guide to walk you through your astrology chart and diagnose your archetype, interviews with Christian Carter, Arielle Ford, and Rhonda Britten, and so much more.

If you think this is for you – please CLICK HERE to fill out a short questionnaire and be SURE to include your phone number so I can reach you.

As stated above, if finances are a concern, I’m offering both a three-part payment plan and a five-part payment plan as I don’t want money to keep anyone from attending. I promise you’ll get your money’s worth. 


“Hi Carol, I’m not sure if you remember me but I came to your relationship workshop about 4 years ago and I was the youngest in the group. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that right around that time that I took your workshop, I had moved into a new apartment, and had my eye on a neighbor that I used some of your tricks on… A year later we were living together and we just got engaged a month ago! So I wanted to say thank you for the great tips and they definitely helped me out!!”

A.B, Musician
Los Angeles, CA

“Hi, Carol – I wanted to say thank you for an awesome weekend. These women that participated this weekend are all amazing. And the information you shared is priceless. I cannot begin to tell you how incredibly grateful I am. I am a different woman, completely transformed, having absorbed much of that material already and I continue to take in and enhance my understanding of what makes me a better woman in relationship to men so that I am ready for my guy when he arrives, and so that I may have the love and life with this man that I have dreamed of. I am on a mission and I am so incredibly grateful for the wealth of knowledge you have to share. You will be at my wedding!”

Los Angeles, LA

“Wow, Carol… just wow. You are amazing and the workshop was AWESOME!! I can’t thank you enough for opening your home & Your Heart To Me… Hallelujah & AMEN!”

Palm Desert, CA

Workshop Testimonials

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A graduate of my first NYC group from two years ago recently wrote in my FB group (unasked!), “I have to say this workshop should be mandatory for anyone who wants to live a life full of love. It is not just for singles. These tools are lifelong no matter where you are in life.”

Just imagine the peace of mind you would have if you knew when love would come for you… You’d know when to date, when to focus on other things, and how you’d most likely  find your guy (believe it or not, your chart can show how you’d most likely connect with him - if you’d have success at internet dating, meeting someone through friends, meeting him at work… And specific details about him, like if he’s likely to be older or younger, foreign or domestic, and so much more).

You can also discover critical things about a relationship you’re already in, and just what you need to do to make it the best it can be – or if, no matter what you do, it will never be worth it. Then you can let it go, no longer “swimming against the current,” exhausting yourself with something that isn’t serving your highest good, knowing that you’ll live to love another day.

I want this for you… this peace of mind, clarity, and certainty in yourself and your romantic choices.

And then the communication skills, boundary setting, flirt tactics, and everything else you should’ve learned in 7th grade to make the men of the world putty in your hands…

(All of this AND great New York pizza? Yup!)

Thanks for your interest. I hope to share all of this with you soon!

Much love, Carol

P.S. – Once you attend one of my workshops, you’re a “Carol Allen V.I.P.”, able to have access to me and my astrological consultations from now on… You’ll also be invited will get a group follow up, audio recordings of the content and are invited to join a group forum where you can be part of a supportive, INFORMED group of women, all stepping up their own game and doing all they can to have the lives they deserve. You’ll have a place to go from now on to get the help you need in real time, any time, with anything – every date, flirtation, encounter, fight, or confusion with any man in your life… So this is only the beginning! To fill out the questionnaire, click here!

About Carol Allen: Vedic Astrologer and Relationship Coach

As a Vedic astrologer and relationship coach who’s been happily married since 1997, Carol Allen has made it her mission to show women how the stars combined with their own right actions can help them make the most of their love lives. Her methods are a unique marriage of East and West, combining her training in the astrology of India with cutting-edge, real-world relationship research.

Carol’s been featured on E!, Bridezillas, EXTRA, and in Chicken Soup For The Soul and Woman's World. Dr. Drew called Carol’s advice “Profound” on his TV show, “LifeChangers” and Daily Candy said Carol is “Cooler than Karma.”

She is the author of Love Is In The Stars - The Wise Woman's Astrological Guide To Men.